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Breanna's Story

15 January 2018

Breanna family Long

“Thanks to your support and advances in cancer treatments, I am now cancer-free!” 

Breanna is three years cancer-free and remains optimistic for the future. “For a long time after my cancer diagnosis I was too scared to make plans for the future.” This is wonderful news for Breanna, and is the result of the investment from generous and compassionate donors like you.

When Breanna learnt she had stage 1 cervical cancer her first thought was: “I don’t want to die”. She needed treatment in Melbourne, three hours away. Breanna’s husband had just started a new job at the local bank and he had no leave. They had to live apart. Breanna and her Mum made the decision to move down with her 10-week-old baby and two-year-old son.

Breanna says “there were days I was too sick to be a mother to my children. The nausea and fatigue is just so overwhelming. My mum was an incredible help, but it put a huge strain on the whole family." Her cancer was too big to be removed by a hysterectomy. She was put on a treatment of twenty doses of internal radiation, four rounds of chemo and four surgeries.  

“Sometimes I thought I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m one of the lucky ones. When people ask me about Peter Mac, I find it difficult to find the words to describe what they did for my family. From the nurses right through to the researchers, they do amazing things there. Just to say thank you doesn’t seem enough" says Breanna.

Breanna’s now focused on the future and enjoying the time she’s been given: “I look forward to watching my children grow up and growing old with my husband.”

“I dream of a world where cancer no longer exists … no more pain, suffering or loss. Thanks to your support I believe we are well on the way. Thank you."

Lily was only 5 when she was diagnosed with brain cancer

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